Ojectives of this year (School Major Concern)
- To promote ‘One Student One Activity’ Program (To promote student wellbeing)
- To encourage students’ participation in ECA school-wide functions (To promote student wellbeing)
- To train students’ leadership (To enable students to recognize their own strengths and uniqueness)
- To cultivate a caring culture in our school by encouraging students to serve others (To promote student wellbeing)
- All F.4 and F.5 students are obliged to serve charitable voluntary organization flag selling once a year. (To promote student wellbeing)
- All F.4 and F.5 students have to take part in external arts experience organized by school. (To promote student wellbeing)
Regulation for Students
- Participation
- F.1 – F.5 students MUST take part in at least one club, but not exceed three.
- F.6 students are OPTIONAL
- Students should attend their clubs’ meetings on time with positive attitude. Absence other than sickness should be applied beforehand. Lateness, early leave or absence without any reason would be recorded. Frequent absentees would be expelled.
- 3. Student whose attendance rate is below 40% will be disqualified automatically.
- The meeting time for extra-curricular activities is
- During lunchtime on weekdays
- After school till 5:30 p.m. on weekdays
- From 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturdays or during school holidays.
- Students must participate in activities for the whole school, such as picnic, visit and etc.