本校學生奪得「全港中學生數碼科學影片製作比賽2023-24」初中組優異獎 (第四名)。 Our students won the merit awards (4th place) in the Junior Secondary Division of Digi-Science Video Production Competition for Hong Ko

「全港中學生數碼科學影片製作比賽2023-24」的主題是「測試科學–日常生活中的可持續性」。參賽學生須自訂立研究課題,並在學校實驗室完成實驗以解決問題。學生亦要提交一段兩分鐘的影片及一份實驗報告,以展示他們的研究過程和科學傳意技巧。本校派出兩支中三學生隊伍參加比賽,其中A 隊奪得初中組優異獎 (第四名)。他們的視頻作品如下:

The theme of Digi-Science Video Production Competition for Hong Kong Secondary Schools 2023-24 is “Testing Science – Sustainability in Daily Life”. Participating students should decide their topic of investigation and complete the experimental work in the school laboratory to solve the problems. Students are also required to submit a two-minute video and an experimental report to show their investigative processes and scientific communication skills. Our school sent two teams of F.3 students to join the competition and Team A won the merit awards (4th place) in the Junior Secondary Division. Their work can be found below.

Team A : F.3 LAM HOI CHING, LAW HEI TUNG, LI SHING HEI (Merit Award, 4th place) Title of Video: Dehydrate my wallet! Url of video: YOUTUBE

Team B: F.3 CHOW TIN YU, SHAO WEN XIAO IRENE, SIT MAN CHUNG Title of Video:Watt are you doing!? Url of video: YOUTUBE
