
"Our F.5 students (胡凱欣, 周樂誼, 紀天恩) participated in the ""Innovative Technology Student Mentorship Program"" (創新科技學生師友計劃). They submitted STEAM project plans and showcased their inspiring idea on the topic “Use smart watches and mobile phones as heart rate monitoring and AED emergency shock equipment” (以智能手錶及手機作為心率監察及AED應急電擊設備”. They have been shortlisted to the second-round and were awarded the Certificate of Appreciation.

中五級學生胡凱欣、周樂誼、紀天恩參加了「創新科技學生師友計劃」。他們提交了STEAM專案計劃,展示關於「以智能手錶及手機作為心率監察及AED應急電擊設備」的啟發性想法,成功入圍,成為第二輪優秀作品,並獲頒發感謝狀。 "
