
"本校中五學生陳奕祺及中四學生周鉑軒參與屯門民政事務處主辦「成功有約」青年自我挑戰及獎勵計劃,在為期半年的訓練過程中積極參與,表現出色,並通過最後面試,獲選參加復活節期間舉行的愛沙尼亞及北歐交流體驗團,獲益良多。以下為兩位同學的分享。 Our F.5 student Chan Yik Ki and F.4 student Chow Pak Hin participated in the ""Strive for Success"" Self-enhancement Training Programme & Award Scheme organized by the Tuen Mun Home Affairs Department. They have gained a lot from their active participation and outstanding performance in the six-month training process and were selected to join the Estonia and Scandinavia Exchange Experience Tour held during the Easter holidays. The following are their sharings. 陳奕祺:第一次踏上歐洲這片大陸,一切都是陌生、新奇的:清新的空氣,空曠的街道,尖頂紅磚的小屋,展現出西方獨特的美麗。沒有摩天大樓間的摩肩接踵,只有老城區裏的悠然漫步;沒有人聲鼎沸的酒樓聚會,只有輕聲細語的下午茶聚;沒有車水馬龍的塵世繁囂,只有零星散落的優雅靜謐。這種慢節奏的生活實在只有親身體驗過才明白當中的怡然自得,真是百考不如一行。 Traveling abroad for the first time, I find everything in Europe new and exhilarating. The fresh air, the pristine gravel pathways, and the charming red-brick houses all highlight the distinctive beauty of Northern Europe. The lifestyle here is vastly different from that in Hong Kong; people relish a leisurely pace, enjoying chatting in cafes, meandering through the Old Town, and socializing at gatherings. Enhanced by well-developed facilities and comprehensive services, there is a greater emphasis on personal and communal happiness. Overall, the tranquil and serene way of life here deeply captivates my heart. 中四周鉑軒:人生首次踏入歐洲,我可以親身了解北歐文化及生活,遇見北歐市民的友善,加上在俄語高中交流的同學,真的令我大開眼界。除此之外,北歐較重視家庭朋友的關係,有平凡的幸福和滿足。作為中學生的我,每日面對生活和功課壓力,他們的生活方式也啟發了我,要想方法在學習中成長,並珍惜每一分每一秒,享受自己擁有的一切。 It was the first time that I had been to northern Europe. I am grateful for the opportunity to have gained a better understanding of the Nordic culture and way of living. Interacting with warm-hearted Nordic citizens and chatting with the students at Tallinn Lasnamae Russian School truly broadened my horizons. Besides, I noticed that Nordic people place a strong emphasis on relationships with family members and friends. They find happiness in simple pleasures and often find time to relax themselves. As a secondary school student, I face countless pressure every day. Seeing the Nordic people’s approach to life and their personal growth gained through education, I have been inspired to cherish every minute and every second, and to truly appreciate everything I have."
