
"本校學生於「Do Your Bit 2024」編程比賽獲得優異獎,獲邀參加於英國倫敦舉行的著名 Bett Show 2025。在展覽中,學生將自行開發的「人工智慧垃圾分類器」和「智能風扇」向來自不同國家的 IT專業人士展示及講解。


Students from our school participated in the ""Do Your Bit 2024"" programming competition and were honored with a Merit Award. This accomplishment led to their participation in the Bett Show 2025 held in London. The students showcased their award-winning projects to IT professionals from around the globe. Among their creations were Artificial Intelligence Garbage Classifier and Smart Cooling Fan.

The students also seized the opportunity to explore famous univesritise and landmarks, such as the University of Cambridge, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, London Tower Bridge, Westminster Cathedral and Windsor Castle. They also visited various museums, including the British Museum, Science Museum, Natural History Museum, National Maritime Museum, and the Royal Observatory. "
