
"Students learnt the skills of wildlife filming and studied the ecosystem in Pui O and the Wetland Park under the guidance of our alumni Mr. James Kwok, a professional wildlife filming photographer. Apart from knowing more about wildlife in Hong Kong, they learnt to look for different types of animals for filming. They also acquired skills of filming animals, such as water buffaloes and birds, without disturbing their habitat by using a telescope and camera. 學生有機會在專業生態攝影師郭子祈校友的指導下拍攝野生動物,並通過拍攝了解貝澳的生態系統。 是次活動不僅讓學生更認識香港的野生動物,還讓他們掌握了在不干擾棲息地的情況下觀察和記錄不同種類動物 (例如水牛和鳥類) 的技巧。 "
