
"本校中四級學生林靜詩 (Betsy),經面試入選國泰航空公司主辦的 ""I Can Fly""「飛躍理想」計劃,成為300位學員之一。在為期半年的訓練中,她亦表現優秀,於七月與另外29位學員獲保送到澳洲阿德萊德學習駕駛小型飛機,獲益良多。

Betsy Lam, a Form 4 student of our school, was selected by Cathay Pacific Airways for the ""I Can Fly"" program. After six months of training, her outstanding performance granted her a chance to Adelaide, Australia in July to learn how to fly a small aircraft.


It is my honor to be one of the 300 members of the Cathay I Can Fly Programme 2024. The journey has come to an end, but not the end of my aviation journey. In the past 6 months, I explored the beauty of aviation by having ground school training in Cathay City, visiting different aviation facilities in Hong Kong, and participating in an aviation experimental trip in Adelaide. I also completed a social service project with my team, which allowed teenagers in Hong Kong to have hands-on experience in aviation.

I am thankful that I had the chance to visit Adelaide, a city full of aviation atmosphere. I had my first flight on a DA-40, and I was also allowed to take over control during cruising. The experience was definitely memorable, and it further increased my interest in aviation. I can't wait to fly again and fly higher.






